Wednesday, February 3, 2010

TRE Draft Vision Statement

Dear TRE Parents,

In my November article in Tiger Tales I passed along information about our school improvement process and what would be taking place as we moved towards "district" accreditation. One of parts of our school improvement process involves the development of a school vision. We have always had a school mission statement but not a vision statement. One might ask what is the difference between a school vision and mission and the best way to explain the difference is that a mission statement answers the question of why we exist as an organization and the vision answers the question of what do we want to become as an organization. Both are very important to us as a school and to our school improvement process. The reason for my communication to our parents and community at this time is to include you in the process of the development of our vision statement. We have a "draft" vision at this time and I will be talking at the next PTA meeting about the development of a school vision and will be including our parents in moving towards a final vision statement. Please take the time to look at our "statement in progress" and as always your input and comments are appreciated. Again, we will look at this in more detail at our next PTA meeting.

Thank you,
Bob Harris

"In collaboration with our parents and community, we want to become a building block contributing to life-long learning, while fostering a caring, positive, respectful and safe environment where students will be engaged through developmentally appropriate and differentiated instruction that focuses on each individual’s success."