Our last big PTA event of the year is our school carnival. If you haven't already please mark your calendars for Friday, May 21st from 5-8pm. Remember too that the only way to have a successful carnival is if we have volunteers to help with the games. It's very easy and only for short amount of time. The more volunteers we have the more games we have. The fewer volunteers we have the fewer games that will be available for everyone.
Pre-sale tickets are on sale until Thursday, May 20th and can be used for food or games. 5 tickets for $1.00 on pre-sale and 4 tickets for $1.00 the day of the carnival. There will also be raffle tickets on sale for $5.00 and a chance to win $250.00.
A volunteer form went home with students last week and the PTA is sending out another one with students today (Wednesday) or you can stop by the office and ask for a volunteer form. You can volunteer to help with games, food, or ticket sales.
Our Carnival is always a big school event and we are looking forward to a great time on May 21st.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
@ Monroe Road Elementary School 9:30am – 2:30pm
On Friday, May 14th, all second and third grade students in the Bedford Public School District will attend the 4th Annual Bedford Public School’s Safety Vehicle Expo being held at Monroe Road Elementary School (MRE.) Safety professionals from various safety agencies in the area will be on hand to display dozens of emergency vehicles, police cars, fire trucks, rescue squads, ambulances, boats and helicopters for students to see. Second and Third grade students from each building will tour the exhibits and be able to ask questions of the safety personnel during their 75 minute time block.
The Youth Advisory Council of the Bedford Community Foundation has provided a grant to fund the transportation cost of bussing students to and from their respective elementary buildings to MRE for the event. The weather forecast looks good for Friday. However the event will proceed rain or shine, so be sure your child wears appropriate clothing that day.
The event was organized by Monroe County Sheriff Deputies Randy Sehl and Randy Krupp, who serve as the district’s school resource officers. Please contact your building principal, classroom teacher or one of the deputies if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Deputy Sehl and Deputy Krupp
@ Monroe Road Elementary School 9:30am – 2:30pm
On Friday, May 14th, all second and third grade students in the Bedford Public School District will attend the 4th Annual Bedford Public School’s Safety Vehicle Expo being held at Monroe Road Elementary School (MRE.) Safety professionals from various safety agencies in the area will be on hand to display dozens of emergency vehicles, police cars, fire trucks, rescue squads, ambulances, boats and helicopters for students to see. Second and Third grade students from each building will tour the exhibits and be able to ask questions of the safety personnel during their 75 minute time block.
The Youth Advisory Council of the Bedford Community Foundation has provided a grant to fund the transportation cost of bussing students to and from their respective elementary buildings to MRE for the event. The weather forecast looks good for Friday. However the event will proceed rain or shine, so be sure your child wears appropriate clothing that day.
The event was organized by Monroe County Sheriff Deputies Randy Sehl and Randy Krupp, who serve as the district’s school resource officers. Please contact your building principal, classroom teacher or one of the deputies if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Deputy Sehl and Deputy Krupp
Girls Soccer Announcement
Bedford Girls Soccer is hosting a community night on Saturday, May 22nd during their game against Crestwood. The Jr. Varsity game starts at 5pm and the varsity at 7pm. There is free admission and the event will have a raffle with over 20 gift baskets, children's face painting, games, and contests. Full concession stand with walking tacos, Marco's products, hot dogs, snacks, and beverages. Free goodie bags to the first 100 kids wearing Bedford colors. Half time game featuring Bedford United Soccer Club.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Pictures from the 3rd Grade Music Program Entitled Musical Masterpieces
Mrs. Edwards (music teacher) and Mrs. Schalmo (art teacher) collaborated and put together a wonderful art and music program called Musical Masterpieces. Our third grade students painted canvas backdrops of art masterpieces and then selected students posed as if they were part of the painting while the rest of the students sang a song that exemplified the painting represented. This interdisciplinary approach to a music program provided not only a great learning experience for the students but a wonderful performance that was enjoyed by all who attended. A big thanks goes out to Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Schalmo!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Big Week for All Bedford Schools (Accreditation Review)
Dear Parents,
As I have mentioned this school year, this week is a big week for all Bedford schools as we are being visited by NCA-Advance Ed for a district accreditation review. For many years individual schools including TRE have sought accreditation but this year all schools joined together to seek district accreditation. A visiting accreditation team came in on Sunday evening and met with central office and principals and this week Monday through Wednesday the accreditation team will be interviewing teachers, staff, principals, parents, administration, and community members. They will also be doing on site visits to various schools. This whole process is something the schools have been working towards for the last 18 months. The district will hear about our accreditation status in a summary report by the visiting team on Wednesday.
Bob Harris
As I have mentioned this school year, this week is a big week for all Bedford schools as we are being visited by NCA-Advance Ed for a district accreditation review. For many years individual schools including TRE have sought accreditation but this year all schools joined together to seek district accreditation. A visiting accreditation team came in on Sunday evening and met with central office and principals and this week Monday through Wednesday the accreditation team will be interviewing teachers, staff, principals, parents, administration, and community members. They will also be doing on site visits to various schools. This whole process is something the schools have been working towards for the last 18 months. The district will hear about our accreditation status in a summary report by the visiting team on Wednesday.
Bob Harris
Pictures from the 4th Grade Recorder Music Performance
Our 4th grade students had an excellent music performance as they showed us how they have learned to read music and perform multiple pieces using their recorders. A big thanks goes out to our music teacher, Mrs. Edwards, for doing such a great job in teaching our students. Thank You!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Pictures from VIP Day
On Friday, our school celebrated our annual VIP day. We had hundreds and hundreds of VIP's come through our doors to visit with their special student. We stared off in the gym with a welcome and four songs from our first grade classes. PTA provided wonderful decorations and refreshments for our guests and then it was off to the classrooms for some fun with the students. Our sixth grade students also had a bake sale going on with money raised to go to Relay for Life and Heart of Hope charities. It was great to see our VIP's having such a great time in the classrooms with the students. It was a memory both shall not soon forget. Here are some pictures. I will add more over the next few days.
Pictures from our D.A.R.E. Program
Last Thursday our 5th grade students had their D.A.R.E. graduation ceremony. We appreciate all the work Deputy Sehl does as our D.A.R.E. officer and resource officer for the school district. The students learned a lot from him and the life lessons he presented will stay with them for a long time to come.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Have a Wonderful Spring Break
We would like to wish all of you a very happy Easter and enjoyable spring break. The students have been so good on this day before break and the weather has put everyone in a very good mood. The TRE staff and I appreciate all of you so very much. We hope you have the opportunity to make some great family memories and take plenty of pictures.
Bob Harris
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Pictures from Camp Storer
Dear 5th Grade Parents,
The kids are having a wonderful time here at camp. I thought you would like to see some pictures so I brought my laptop along with me to camp so I could upload some pictures to the website blog. The weather is absolutely beautiful and the students are having an exciting day here at Camp Storer.
The kids are having a wonderful time here at camp. I thought you would like to see some pictures so I brought my laptop along with me to camp so I could upload some pictures to the website blog. The weather is absolutely beautiful and the students are having an exciting day here at Camp Storer.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Repesentative Angerer's Office Visits TRE to Read to 2nd Grade Students
Representative Angerer is a frequent visitor to TRE and especially so during March is Reading Month. But, due to her work in the current legislative session she had to send two of her aides to our school to read to our 2nd grade students. Representative Angerer apologized for not being here but the two aides she sent did a fabulous job reading to our students. Thank you Mr. Marl and Ms. Arents! See pictures below…
Friday, March 19, 2010
Moonwalk Mania as our A.R. Reward for Students who Reached Their Goals
Our second trimester A.R. reward for those students who reached their personal reading goals was Moonwalk Mania. The excitement was definitely in the air today at school as students looked forward to this very special event. I would like to thank all the parents who came in and volunteered to help with this activity today. Thank you!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Internet Safety Course Presented to 6th Grade by Deputy Krupp
Our Bedford Resource Officers (Deputy Sehl and Deputy Krupp) do such a great job with informational programs that really address key safety issues with our students and today was an example of that. The 6th grade students participated in an internet safety course with Deputy Krupp this morning and learned a lot of important safety guidelines that will help keep them safe when using the internet. Thanks Deputy Krupp!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Reminder: Half Day of School Tuesday, March 16th - Dismissal at 11:10 AM
Tuesday, March 16th is the end of the second trimester and a half day of school for students. Dismissal will be at 11:10 AM.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Individual Came on TRE School Property Looking For Bike 3-12-10 PM
Dear TRE Parents and Staff:
Given the recent event at Longfellow elementary in Toledo I thought it would be prudent to communicate to parents and staff lest any rumors start to fly. The school received a call from the church across the street that an individual came to the church saying he was looking for his bike and he thought it was at either at the church or a school. When he was told it was not at the church he started making his way over to the school and the church let us know he was coming. I met the individual outside in front of the school. He told me he was looking for his bike. He said he was frustrated he couldn’t find it and asked if I could call someone to help. I called the police to come over and assist with the situation. Thanks to the quick response of our Sherriff’s department we had multiple marked and unmarked police cars in a matter of two minutes. They were able to talk to the individual and assist him by taking him off school property. This individual did not come looking for anyone but he also had no business being on school property. Deputy Sehl will process a no trespassing communication to this individual so that he knows he is not to come on to school property in the future. This all happened without incident and thanks to the quick response of our Sherriff’s department it was all taken care in a matter of minutes. Everything was quite safe but given recent events I wanted to be proactive in communicating to our staff and parents. I will be sending this to staff via email and posting this communication on our website blog as an announcement to our parents. The only people who viewed this occurrence were a couple of visitors coming into the building at that time and some that were in the office. It did not disrupt our school at all. A big thanks goes out to our sheriff’s department for coming and assisting so quickly.
Bob Harris
Given the recent event at Longfellow elementary in Toledo I thought it would be prudent to communicate to parents and staff lest any rumors start to fly. The school received a call from the church across the street that an individual came to the church saying he was looking for his bike and he thought it was at either at the church or a school. When he was told it was not at the church he started making his way over to the school and the church let us know he was coming. I met the individual outside in front of the school. He told me he was looking for his bike. He said he was frustrated he couldn’t find it and asked if I could call someone to help. I called the police to come over and assist with the situation. Thanks to the quick response of our Sherriff’s department we had multiple marked and unmarked police cars in a matter of two minutes. They were able to talk to the individual and assist him by taking him off school property. This individual did not come looking for anyone but he also had no business being on school property. Deputy Sehl will process a no trespassing communication to this individual so that he knows he is not to come on to school property in the future. This all happened without incident and thanks to the quick response of our Sherriff’s department it was all taken care in a matter of minutes. Everything was quite safe but given recent events I wanted to be proactive in communicating to our staff and parents. I will be sending this to staff via email and posting this communication on our website blog as an announcement to our parents. The only people who viewed this occurrence were a couple of visitors coming into the building at that time and some that were in the office. It did not disrupt our school at all. A big thanks goes out to our sheriff’s department for coming and assisting so quickly.
Bob Harris
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Geronimo Stilton Visits our PTA Spring Book Fair
5/6th Grade Strings Concert Pictures
On Tuesday of this week our 5/6th grade strings students performed a wonderful concert showcasing their musical skills delighting both parents and relatives. A big thanks goes out to Mrs. Koch for her dedication to seeing our students excel at their abilities to play their instruments.
Kindergarten Registration Information for the 2010-11 School Year
Dear TRE Parents,
I put the following in my March Issue of our Tiger Tales newsletter but also wanted to put it on our website blog as another way of accessing this important information.
Bedford Public Schools Kindergarten registration opened Tuesday, February 16th at all elementary schools and the Office of Instruction and Student Services at 1623 W. Sterns Road Temperance Michigan. Registrations will also be accepted at the BBA Trade Fair March 6th and 7th in room B-8 at Bedford High School. The Trade Fair is a great way to introduce your children to the kindergarten teachers and principals from around the district. Bedford schools will have a special T-Shirt to welcome your young one at the Trade Fair so please plan to stop in and visit.
When you come in to register at school or the trade fair we will have a packet of important information that will describe the kindergarten options and will also include all the paperwork necessary to complete the registration process.
Registration Hours are:
Temperance Road Elementary 7:30 - 3:30
Administration Building 7:30 - 4:00
Documents Required for Registration:
1. Proof of Residency
• Valid Michigan Driver’s License with Bedford address
• Additional proof with same address of utility bill (not cell phone), tax bill, rental/lease contract
2. Certified Birth Certificate (copies or hospital record not valid)
3. Immunization Records
4. Hearing and Vision Screening before September 7, 2010 (available from Health Department and in the District) dates to be announced
5. Custody papers if not living with both parents
For questions you call the elementary office or Instruction and Student Services at 850-6028 or just ask to speak with me or Mrs. Krell in the front office. For those parents new to TRE I would be more than happy to give you a tour of the building and while on the tour we can also stop in to see one of our kindergarten classrooms. I also like to do the same thing for any kindergarten students during the last two weeks of August as I know students start to get anxious about coming to school. We want to make you and your students feel at home and excited about being a TRE Tiger!
Bob Harris
I put the following in my March Issue of our Tiger Tales newsletter but also wanted to put it on our website blog as another way of accessing this important information.
Bedford Public Schools Kindergarten registration opened Tuesday, February 16th at all elementary schools and the Office of Instruction and Student Services at 1623 W. Sterns Road Temperance Michigan. Registrations will also be accepted at the BBA Trade Fair March 6th and 7th in room B-8 at Bedford High School. The Trade Fair is a great way to introduce your children to the kindergarten teachers and principals from around the district. Bedford schools will have a special T-Shirt to welcome your young one at the Trade Fair so please plan to stop in and visit.
When you come in to register at school or the trade fair we will have a packet of important information that will describe the kindergarten options and will also include all the paperwork necessary to complete the registration process.
Registration Hours are:
Temperance Road Elementary 7:30 - 3:30
Administration Building 7:30 - 4:00
Documents Required for Registration:
1. Proof of Residency
• Valid Michigan Driver’s License with Bedford address
• Additional proof with same address of utility bill (not cell phone), tax bill, rental/lease contract
2. Certified Birth Certificate (copies or hospital record not valid)
3. Immunization Records
4. Hearing and Vision Screening before September 7, 2010 (available from Health Department and in the District) dates to be announced
5. Custody papers if not living with both parents
For questions you call the elementary office or Instruction and Student Services at 850-6028 or just ask to speak with me or Mrs. Krell in the front office. For those parents new to TRE I would be more than happy to give you a tour of the building and while on the tour we can also stop in to see one of our kindergarten classrooms. I also like to do the same thing for any kindergarten students during the last two weeks of August as I know students start to get anxious about coming to school. We want to make you and your students feel at home and excited about being a TRE Tiger!
Bob Harris
Fog Delay to School Being Closed March 11th
Dear Parents,
Some parents have direct feed on my blog posts so I thought I would go ahead and post that the 2 hour fog delay has turned into school being canceled due to the continued dense fog.
Bob Harris
Some parents have direct feed on my blog posts so I thought I would go ahead and post that the 2 hour fog delay has turned into school being canceled due to the continued dense fog.
Bob Harris
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Kindergarten Students Working Hard on the Letter "K"
Students in Kindergarten work hard on learning their letter sounds and sight words. With spring in the air and St. Patrick's Day just around the corner it seems fitting for them to be working on the "K" sound as they say the letter K as in the word "Kite." Go Kindergarteners!
Monroe Bank and Trust School Banking Program at TRE
Our bank officers were busy today as students brought down money for "triple deposits day" here at TRE. A big thanks goes out to our parent coordinator, Jodie Spackey, and our partners at Monroe Bank and Trust.
TRE PTA Spring Book Fair This Week (March 8-12)

6th grade students previewing the book fair to pick their top three choices for books... The book fair will be open all this week during school and on Tuesday after school until 5:30 and on Wednesday the book fair will be open to students and parents from 5pm-7pm. A big thanks goes out to our PTA for all the work they have done to make our book fair a huge success. THANK YOU!
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