Happy Holidays
Dear TRE Families,
From all of here at Temperance Road Elementary School...
We would like to say happy holidays to all of our TRE families as we head off to winter break. Enjoy the time with family and friends and make some special memories for your children. Be sure to take lots of video and pictures!
We will see the students once again on Monday, January 4th
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
TRE Building Hours During Winter Break 09-10
In case students need those forgotten mittens or snow pants, the building will be open from 6:30-3:00pm on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, Monday, Dec. 28th, Tuesday, Dec. 29th and Wednesday, Dec 30th. The building will be closed on all other days not listed.
Pictures: Band and Strings Students Provide Holiday Music in our Hallways
The holiday season wouldn't be complete without the TRE band and strings students providing holiday music in our hallways. Mrs. Ellsworth and Mrs. Koch brought music to our hallways as both the strings and band students played holiday music for a short time in our hallways Monday and Tuesday mornings. It was a special treat for all of us and a memory the students will not soon forget.
Pictures: Soiree Singers from the High School Entertain Students on December 21st
Our students had another holiday treat as the high school Soiree Singers, under the direction of Mr. Mark Smith, performed for our students on Monday, December 21st. Bedford has an excellent vocal music and drama department and we were fortunate to be able to see what fine and talented students we have at our high school. Two of the Soiree Singers were former TRE students.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Former Superintendent Jon White Reads Polar Express to Third Grade Students
Students in third grade have been studying author, Chris Van Allsburg, the past couple of weeks. For his book, Polar Express, students were treated to a reading by our former school superintendent, Mr. Jon White. Students lined the hall to present their "train ticket" to conductor (Mr. White) and then proceeded into the classroom where Mr. White entertained the students as he read, in his own style, the Polar Express. Mr. White has been the "conductor" for some years now and even retirement could not keep him away from playing this special role for our students.
Pictures: High Symphonic Band Holiday Program December 18th
Mr. Koch (Director/Teacher) and the high school Symphonic Band performed a wonderful holiday concert for students and staff here at Temperance Road Elementary on Friday, December 18th. They really got us into the holiday spirit. Below are a couple of pictures.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Pictures: 2nd Grade Vocal Music Program 12-15-09
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
2nd Grade General Music Program Tuesday, December 15th at 7pm
Our second grade students will be presenting a vocal music program here at TRE at 7pm on Tuesday, December 15th. Mrs. Edwards (Music Teacher) and the students have been hard at work preparing this winter concert. The collection of holiday songs is sure to put everyone into the spirit of the season. We would also like to thank Mrs. Schalmo and her art students for the beautiful backdrop on our stage. We are looking forward to a wonderful concert.
Goodfellows Can Food and Toy Drive Update December 15th
I would like to thank our whole TRE community for your generous donations of food items and Toys for the Goodfellows drive. What a giving school community we have here at TRE. Tomorrow will be the last day of our drive and as of today we have 1,550 food and/or toy items that were donated (Fantastic!). Volunteers from Goodfellows made a first pick up of boxes yesterday but will be back Thursday and Friday to pick up any other donated items. I would also like to pay a special thanks to our student council (Pictured Below) who worked hard throughout the drive to go around to the rooms and collect the items as well as keeping record of the total items collected. We will have a pizza party for class that collects the most items and there will also be a drawing for each class for individuals to play games with me at a recess as part of the rewards for participation.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Goodfellows Can Food and Toy Drive UPDATE December 11th
Just a quick update to everyone on our Goodfellows Food and Toy Drive... as of today, Friday, TRE has collected 1,266 cans/boxes of food to be given to families in need for the holidays. This is awesome! The boxes are stacked three high in the lobby. Goodfellows will do a "first round" pick up on Monday, December 14th but we will continue to collect food and toys through Thursday. They will be back on Thursday to do a "final" pick up. Thank you TRE families and staff for stepping up and helping out. Way to give back to our community!
Symphonic Band to Perform at TRE on December 18th at 8:25 AM
The High School Symphonic Band will be performing their elementary holiday concert at TRE on December 18th at 8:25 AM. We look forward to hearing the band and seeing our former students.
Accelerated Reader Reward Time Slots for Friday, December 11th
3rd -6th Grades:
The A.R. Reward time slots for Friday, December 11th are as follows:
3rd Grade: 1:40-2:00
4th Grade: 2:00-2:20
5th Grade: 2:20-2:40
6th Grade 2:40-3:00
I've reminded students on announcements to bring a board game / electronic handheld game from home or check a board game out from class and bring it to the cafeteria. Please tell students to enter and exit cafeteria just as they do for lunch shifts. This will help with the transitions. Teachers can send students who qualified for the reward at the designated times.
The A.R. Reward time slots for Friday, December 11th are as follows:
3rd Grade: 1:40-2:00
4th Grade: 2:00-2:20
5th Grade: 2:20-2:40
6th Grade 2:40-3:00
I've reminded students on announcements to bring a board game / electronic handheld game from home or check a board game out from class and bring it to the cafeteria. Please tell students to enter and exit cafeteria just as they do for lunch shifts. This will help with the transitions. Teachers can send students who qualified for the reward at the designated times.
Soiree Singers Performance will be Monday, December 21st at 1:30 pm
Soiree Singers Performance will be Monday, December 21st at 1:30 pm
Mr. Mark Smith, vocal music teacher at the high school, has confirmed that the Soiree Singers will be here at TRE on Monday, December 21st at 1:30 pm to perform their elementary holiday concert. We look forward to this very special program for our students.
Mr. Mark Smith, vocal music teacher at the high school, has confirmed that the Soiree Singers will be here at TRE on Monday, December 21st at 1:30 pm to perform their elementary holiday concert. We look forward to this very special program for our students.
K-2 Classes Are Invited to see a Jr. High Puppet Show 12/16 at 12:15pm
K-2 Classes are Invited to see Jr. High Puppet Show 12/16 at 12:15pm
Mr. Greg Robinson, teacher from the Jr. High, will bring his students over to TRE to perform his annual puppet show Wednesday, December 16th at 12:15pm for K-2 classes. We made arrangements for Mrs. Neely's class to switch her lunch shift so she can attend. The program will be 30 minutes.
Mr. Greg Robinson, teacher from the Jr. High, will bring his students over to TRE to perform his annual puppet show Wednesday, December 16th at 12:15pm for K-2 classes. We made arrangements for Mrs. Neely's class to switch her lunch shift so she can attend. The program will be 30 minutes.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Gingerbread Shop In Media Center December 3-4th (Pictures)
The PTA Gingerbread Shop was held in the media center on Thursday and Friday of this week during the school day. For those parents who might be new to TRE, this is very special annual event that allows students to come down and do some holiday shopping for gifts to give to moms, dads, brothers, sisters, friends, etc. Students can walk away with several items with just a handful of change. The kids are so thoughtful in buying gifts for others and take pride in using their money wisely and buying just the right item for a friend or family member. We also make sure all students are able to buy items and have coupons available should any student need them. I would like to thank Bonnie Joly and all of her volunteers who work so hard to make this a very special event in our school year. It really brings home the message of "giving" to others during this holiday season. Thanks PTA!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Bedford Tree Lighting at Library on Monday, December 7th
The Bedford Tree Lighting program will be Monday December 7th beginning at 6:30 pm. Mrs. Kudzia’s 2nd grade class will be singing under the direction of Mrs. Edwards and all 6th grade band students in the school district will be performing as well.
Robotics Team Competes at State Competition on Saturday, December 5th
Robotics Team Competes at State Competition on Saturday: We want to wish Erin and Ken Hirsch the best as they take our robotics teams compete in the robotics state finals this Saturday, December 5th. The competition will be held at Lakeland High School in White Lake, Michigan. What a great honor for our robotics team to be in the state finals. Good Luck Techno Tigers!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Gingerbread Shop In Media Center December 3-4th
The PTA Gingerbread Shop will be in the media center both Thursday and Friday of this week during the school day. For those parents who might be new to TRE, this is very special annual event that allows students to come down and do some holiday shopping for gifts to give to moms, dads, brothers, sisters, friends, etc. Students can walk away with several items with just a handful of change. This event made a big impression on me as I watched it for the first time last year. The kids are so thoughtful in buying gifts for others and take pride in using their money wisely and buying just the right item for a friend or family member. We also make sure all students are able to buy items and have coupons available should any student need them. I would like to thank Bonnie Joly and all of her volunteers who work so hard to make this a very special event in our school year. It really brings home the message of "giving" to others. Thanks PTA!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving to All of our TRE Families
The staff and I would like to wish all of our TRE families a very Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time with family and friends and wish you all the best as you make some wonderful memories. Happy Thanksgiving!
Mr. Harris
Mr. Harris
Monday, November 23, 2009
TRE Techno Tigers are Heading to State Competition

The techno-tigers had a very successful day. They won first place overall, taking home the most points of any of the 17 teams there. They also won a trophy for quality design on their robot. They will be advancing to the state tournament on December 5th in White Lake.
Both teams showed great TRE pride and spirit and we are very proud of how they represented our school!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Michigan and Ohio State Fans were in Full Color Today at School
Our school was full of both Michigan and Ohio State fans today as students wore colors of their favorite team. Students had fun with each other as they cheered on the Wolverines and the Buckeyes!
Above are a few fans from Mrs. Hite's class and below are some Michigan cheerleaders from Mrs. Sullivan's class.
Above are a few fans from Mrs. Hite's class and below are some Michigan cheerleaders from Mrs. Sullivan's class.
5th and 6th Grade Strings Students Perform Their First Concert 11-20-09
Mrs. Koch started the program off with our 5th grade students. It is amazing how much they have learned to play since picking up their instruments for the first time back in September. Great job 5th graders!
The sixth grade string students showed us what they can do after beginning their second year of strings. They really played some very difficult music. Nice job 6th graders!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Title I Kindergarten Parent Information Night on Monday, November 23rd
Mrs. Cordray (TRE Reading Teacher) will be hosting a parent information night for kindergarten parents who have children receiving Title I assistance on Monday, November 23rd at 6:30 pm in the media center. This is a unique opportunity to come out and hear all the great things that are going on with the program and how you can be of help to your child. There will be a second parent information night on Tuesday, December 1st for parents of 1st-6th grade students receiving Title I services.
5th Grade Band Concert Monday, November 23rd
Mrs. Ellsworth (Band Teacher) and the fifth grade band will be performing their first concert of the school year this coming Monday night (November 23rd) at 7 pm in the gymnasium. Come out and hear some wonderful music as the fifth grader show what they have learned so far this year as our newest members of the band program. Thank you Mrs. Ellsworth for all you do for our students!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Half Day of School on Wednesday, November 25th
Wednesday, November 25th is a half-day for students. They will be dismissed from school at 11:10 am. This is also the last day of our first trimester of school. PM kindergarten students will not attend school on this day. Thanksgiving break will be November 26-27th. Students will return to school on Monday, November 30th.
Report Cards Go Home on December 4th
All elementary report cards will be going home with students on Friday, December 4th.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
4/5th Grade Strings Students to Perform a Breakfast Concert Friday at 7:30 AM
On Friday, November 20th, Mrs. Koch (Strings/Orchestra Teacher) and the 4/5th grade strings students will perform their annual breakfast concert at 7:30 am in our cafeteria.
4th Grade Participates in H.O.T. Program with Deputy Krupp
Deputy Krupp (Bedford Resource Officer) visited our 4th grade yesterday for one of the many educational programs our resource officers provide to the schools. The H.O.T. (Hazards of Tobacco) program is a presentation concerning health and legal consequences of underage tobacco use. Deputy Krupp did a super job and it's a great opportunity for parents to "piggy back" off the program and discuss with your children the dangers involved in tobacco use.
5th Grade Camp Fundraiser Night This Thursday, November 19th
Our fifth grade classes have a fundraiser this coming Thursday evening. If you are planning a dinner out this week you can make Thursday night your family dinner out night and head to the Elephant Bar restaurant and show them the pink flyer that was sent home with students and the restaurant will donate 20% back to our PTA for 5th grade camp. Also, if you purchase an Elephant Bar gift card through Script TRE earns an additional 18%. If you need another flyer just stop in the office and they are located on the table underneath the mailboxes. The Elephant Bar Restaurant is located in the Westfield Franklin Park Mall 5001 Monroe Street Toledo, Ohio.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Revising and Using the TRE Parent Blog for Parent Communication
Dear Parents,
I realize many of you will not see this post until much later since I will not get an announcement out regarding the revision of the TRE Parent Blog until the December issue of Tiger Tales. But, I wanted to go ahead and start posts since I plan to put an announcement on the homepage of our school website and we do have many parents who check that from time to time. Many of you know that educational technology is not only an interest to me but is one of my passions. The unfortunate thing about being a building principal is that the everyday demands of running the school often do not allow me the time to get down to the computer lab in our school and update my website page on our TRE website. This has been very perplexing to me as I feel that the 24/7 access by parents to our website provides a convenient way to hear updates and information from me as the principal. But, my ability to access and update my webpage has limited my ability to do it from our computer lab where the computer is located that allows me to do this. Then, just this past week, it hit me that I could make use of something I created for parents to get to know me when I first arrived over a year ago… the TRE Parent Blog! I can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner. By making use of the parent blog I can create a link on my announcements page on the home page of our website and also I have the ability to edit and post information to parents without having to be at school and in the computer lab. I have also put an RSS feed on the parent blog so those of you who use RSS can have any updated posts from me sent directly to your computer without having to check our website or my parent blog. I will plan to put an announcement on the website this coming week at school and then also have an announcement in my upcoming December issue of Tiger Tales. The TRE Parent Blog will provide me a better opportunity to keep all of our parents up-to-date with current information about our school. I am very excited about this and hope you find it beneficial as I make use of this great communication tool. All for now…
Mr. Harris
I realize many of you will not see this post until much later since I will not get an announcement out regarding the revision of the TRE Parent Blog until the December issue of Tiger Tales. But, I wanted to go ahead and start posts since I plan to put an announcement on the homepage of our school website and we do have many parents who check that from time to time. Many of you know that educational technology is not only an interest to me but is one of my passions. The unfortunate thing about being a building principal is that the everyday demands of running the school often do not allow me the time to get down to the computer lab in our school and update my website page on our TRE website. This has been very perplexing to me as I feel that the 24/7 access by parents to our website provides a convenient way to hear updates and information from me as the principal. But, my ability to access and update my webpage has limited my ability to do it from our computer lab where the computer is located that allows me to do this. Then, just this past week, it hit me that I could make use of something I created for parents to get to know me when I first arrived over a year ago… the TRE Parent Blog! I can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner. By making use of the parent blog I can create a link on my announcements page on the home page of our website and also I have the ability to edit and post information to parents without having to be at school and in the computer lab. I have also put an RSS feed on the parent blog so those of you who use RSS can have any updated posts from me sent directly to your computer without having to check our website or my parent blog. I will plan to put an announcement on the website this coming week at school and then also have an announcement in my upcoming December issue of Tiger Tales. The TRE Parent Blog will provide me a better opportunity to keep all of our parents up-to-date with current information about our school. I am very excited about this and hope you find it beneficial as I make use of this great communication tool. All for now…
Mr. Harris
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